This post is a test of the “Custom Facebook Feed” plugin. I’m using a feed from the Facebook page of Toy FanAddict, one of my favorite brick-and-mortar stores.
Photos of Custom Vehicle Team Voltron Action Figures
Here are new photos of custom-made action figures of various characters from the Vehicle Team Voltron episodes of 1980s animated television series Voltron: Defender of the Universe. The figures were made on commission by pock63, whose Facebook page can be found here: (Click each image to view it at full size.) Pilots of the Voltron […]
Panosh Place Voltron 1985 Foldout
The boxed toys from Panosh Place’s 1985 Voltron toy line included a foldout that advertised all of the Voltron toys that kids could drool over. Here is a composite scan of the front and back of the foldout. Some toys in the foldout differ from what was released in stores. For example the Castle of […]
Photos To a 3D Print: DIY
How to take photos and make a 3D print, courtesy of
3D Printing/Scanning Services Near You
These sites look promising. They list people who provide 3D printing and scanning services, and you can search them by ZIP code!