Panosh Place Voltron 1985 Foldout

The boxed toys from Panosh Place’s 1985 Voltron toy line included a foldout that advertised all of the Voltron toys that kids could drool over. Here is a composite scan of the front and back of the foldout.

Some toys in the foldout differ from what was released in stores. For example the Castle of Lions’ main door is off-white in the foldout, but blue on the actual production toy, and the “CASTLE OF LIONS” decal is different, too. The lion pilots’ gloves are detailed differently, and Princess Allura is missing her lion key badge. Haggar the Witch’s staff has a blue handle in the foldout, but the production version is all yellow. Robeast Mutilor and Robeast Scorpious are holding each other’s weapons in the foldout. In the foldout Black Lion’s shoulder decals lack the white outline that is present in the production toy.

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