Panosh Place-Style Action Figures and Vehicle Voltron: Is It Possible?

As a follow-up to my blog about whether it would be technically possible to design a Matty-style Vehicle Team Voltron that can hold its 15 pilots, I thought I’d try another thought experiment.

Might it be possible to design a Panosh Place-style Vehicle Team Voltron that can hold its 15 pilots?

Maybe. Juuuuust maybe.

August 1, 2012 Update

I’ve begun to create a very crude approximation of what a figure-carrying Vehicle Team Voltron might look like. The concept model is made from LEGO bricks. Below are photos of the unfinished Vehicle Team Voltron concept model standing alongside my “junker” Panosh Place (Lion Force) Voltron. As you can see, the model lacks a lot of features — such as arms.

What the photos don’t show is that the left leg consists of three separable modules:

  • The left foot, which represents Vehicle Team Voltron ships 14 and 15 of the Land Team,  is designed to carry a 3-3/4″ action figure lying face-down, head oriented toward the “toe”. As a separate ship, the action figure would lie face-down, head oriented toward the front of the vehicle.
  • The left lower leg, which represents ships 9 and 10 of the Sea Team, is designed to carry a 3-3/4″ action figure sitting, but facing upward and head to the front with respect to Voltron. As a separate ship, the action figure would sit upright, facing the front of the vehicle.
  • The left upper leg, which represents ships 7 and 8 of the Sea Team, is designed to carry a 3-3/4″ action figure sitting, but facing upward and head to the front with respect to Voltron. As a separate ship, the action figure would sit upright, facing the front of the vehicle. (Due to lack of suitable LEGO parts, the module as built cannot actually carry an action figure.)

I’ve also been doodling some slightly more developed designs than what I’ve built into the concept model. I plan to build another concept model out of foamcore, and I’ll probably update the LEGO model somewhat as well.

I don’t know what my end goal is with this “project” — other than to be creative… and to imagine.

October 21, 2012 Update

Below are photos of foamcore concept models of six Vehicle Team Voltron vehicles: Units 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 of the Sea Team, and Unit 11 of the Land Team. (The model of Unit 11 is only partially complete.) A Panosh Place Red Lion and Keith are shown for scale reference, and knock-off versions of the vehicles from Matchbox’s deluxe Vehicle Team Voltron / Voltron I toy are shown for design reference. The models are first approximations only. “Real” toys would be more detailed and more visually interesting than the extruded shapes shown here.

Unit 6 (Sea Team; piloted by Krik) – Vehicle Team Voltron’s mid-torso

Units 7 (Sea Team; piloted by Lisa) and 8 (Sea Team; piloted by Tangor) – Vehicle Team Voltron’s upper legs

Units 9 (Sea Team; piloted by Shannon) and 10 (Sea Team; piloted by Zandee) – Vehicle Team Voltron’s lower legs

Sea Team and Aqua Fighter

Unit 11 (Land Team; piloted by Cliff) – Vehicle Team Voltron’s lower torso (Note: Model is unfinished)

Vehicle Team Voltron so far – Units 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11 (unfinished) – Voltron’s mid torso, lower torso (unfinished), upper legs and lower legs

March 16, 2014, update: For the latest information about this work in progress, check out this Facebook album:

Custom Panosh Place-Style Vehicle Team Voltron Toy